Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August, Where Did You Go?

Time really does fly when you're having fun. And August has been an especially fun month for me. Busy with really great dinner parties with repeat clients and some new clients. New weekly meal clients have come on board, and I'm loving every minute of it!

August started out with a trip to Washington, DC for the national conference of the United States Personal Chef Association. I took some really good classes and met terrific new chef friends.

One of the classes was a garnishing skills class where we took ordinary foods and turned them into art. Well, our instructors turned them in to art, and we tried.
Fish From A Lemon
Leaves From Squash

And our Atlanta Chapter won Chapter Of The Year!

The last night, I had the most amazing meal at a restaurant called Jaleo with some fellow personal chefs. If you go to DC, try it! We had the chef's tasting menu, 18 courses of small plates, each more scrumptious than the last. Delicious!

And August is not over....still lots on the schedule for the remaining days.Yay!