Sunday, February 7, 2010


Welcome to my Dinner At Home blog, "What's For Dinner". As a personal chef I solve the what's for dinner dilemma for my clients. Most are busy people who need good, healthy food for themselves and their families at the end of a long day. And it is my pleasure to be able to provide that.

Check back often as I share the joy I get from everyday food finds and experiences. Yes, I'm a freak for cool food, colors of beautiful food and can't wait for the first summer tomatoes! And I'm already ready to plant my herb garden so I can go out and pick whatever I need whenever I need it.

I love to try new recipes to discover new flavor combinations. I also often cook our own dinner by coming up with new dishes by using what I have on hand in the refrigerator or pantry. I'll share those as they are created.

I like to say that cooking is like writing music. There are only so many notes to choose from but it's how you put it all together that makes a great song.

Chef Sharon Mateer

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