Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Homemade Pasta

Yesterday I decided to make homemade pasta. I've had my pasta machine for several years but I haven't used it in a while. I also had things in the refrigerator that needed to be used so I set out to make one of my "clean out the refrigerator" meals.

I had some leftover bell peppers, mushrooms and a bunch of green chard from my CSA box last week. I also had some chicken Italian sausage from the DeKalb Farmers Market. I browned the chicken sausage then added a chopped shallot and two cloves of garlic. I washed and cut the vegetables and added it to the browned meat along with some chicken broth.
The pasta is made with 1/2 cup flour and one egg. You just mix in the food processor until it forms a ball.

Sorry, I got busy and distracted rolling out the pasta and forgot to make pictures of that part. Basically, you run the pasta through the rollers several times, then start making the roller opening smaller by turning a dial. You roll until the pasta dough is about translucent, then cut into strips. I cut mine by hand but the pasta machine has an attachment that will cut different sizes for you as well.

Once everything was cooked, I added in the cooked pasta along with about 1/3 cup mascarpone cheese (also leftover and needing to be used.)

It turned out great! I forgot how much better the homemada pasta tastes compared to boxed, dried pasta.

I have some chicken sausage leftover and plan to next make ravioli with the sausage, apples and some sort of cheese...I'll see what's in the fridge. Maybe a sauce using apple juice to finish. Yum!

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