Friday, March 12, 2010

Thankful For A Full Life

Today is organizational day for Dinner At Home and my life in general. I've been making my grocery list for Monday's cook date, making sure I have all my recipes and equipment in order.

Lots of little bits and pieces to catch up on. Thanks to my art director friends who pulled together marketing materials for an upcoming auction I'm donating to. I'm not cooking today, my husband and I are going out to dinner, probably sushi. Hopefully the rain will be over by then.

I'm planning a trip to France in the Fall and signed up for a French language class at Oglethorpe University that is to start next week. I have a girl's weekend coming up too...a group of us are going to New York City in May to celebrate a friend's upcoming decade change, so looking for good fares for that. That will be so much fun!

I also start a new session next week with Operation Frontline, a program I volunteer for as a chef. This will be a great class of women who are getting back on their feet and want to learn how to cook. Our cooking class subjects will evolve each week as I learn what they really want to know how to cook. Looking forward to that.

Also, Happy Birthday to my son Alex on Sunday. I love you very much!

Keeping thoughts and prayers in mind for a childhood friend who was in a serious car accident this week.

But the view from my desk is great. Very thankful for the full life I have and all those who make it great.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Chef Sharon Mateer

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