Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bella Cucina Key Lime Spread

I recently visited the Bella Cucina store in the Highlands and purchased their key lime spread and a bag of Italian Pasta. There is a recipe for Key Lime Creme Brulee on the tag but I wanted to see how it would work with chicken.

I had some boneless, skinless breasts so I cooked the chicken in the oven, then finished it off on my stovetop grill pan. I spread a mixture of flour, cornstarch, butter and the key lime spread on the chicken both before and after the grill pan.

I let the chicken rest and absorb its key lime spread while I prepared the pasta.

After I cooked the pasta, I added items I had on hand in the refrigerator and pantry and came up with mascarpone cheese, shredded parmesan, olive oil, grape tomatoes, fresh lime zest, and fresh from the herb garden, lemon thyme

After I mixed everything together, I sliced the chicken and added it on top. This has a really fresh, bright taste thanks to the key lime spread, the thyme, and the lime zest. This turned out really well and since I'm writing it down, hopefully I'll remember how to make it!

Here's the finished product! The pasta is excellent, nice and hearty so a little goes a long way. I really want to make the creme brulee or maybe try making a key lime flan with the remainder of the spread. The Bella Cucina products are such fun to use. There's also a Blood Orange version of this spread that I'd like to try soon too.

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