Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Grouper with Tomato, Olive, Caper Sauce

I've been cooking a lot of fresh fish lately. This weekend I made pan-sauteed grouper with a sauce from Wolfgang Puck's 2005 cookbook, "Wolfgang Puck Makes It Easy". A friend had given me a signed copy several years ago and I recently found this recipe. It would be good on any kind of fish, and would also be good mixed with pasta as a side dish. Here's the recipe for the sauce:

3 tablespoons olive oil
6 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced
4 green onions
1 jalapeno pepper, minced (optional)
1 cup pitted green olives (I used Kalamata olives because that's what I had)
1/4 cup drained capers
3 cupes diced canned tomatoes
salt/pepper to season

Heat olive oil in saute pan over medium-high heat and add garlic. As soon as it starts to sizzle, add the green onions, jalapeno, olives and capers. As soon as it starts to sizzle, add the tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Cook down slightly, about 10-15 minutes.

For the fish, I just seasoned with salt and pepper, heated olive oil in a saute pan and cooked about 6 minutes on the first side, then about 3 minutes on the second side. I served brown rice on the side. As you can see, my husband and I both thought it was very good.

This was a light and healthy meal, quick and easy to prepare with lots and lots of good flavor.

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