Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bakelite and Salad On The Porch

We had another lovely dinner on the porch last night.....salad with grilled chicken, greens, red bell pepper, cucumber, tomato and homemade vinaigrette. So good.

I have a great set of bakelite forks, knives and spoons that I got from my mother-in-law. They had belonged to her mother. My husband says he remembers using these when visiting his grandmother. I love this stuff! When we cleaned out my in-law's house several years ago, this was one of the things no one wanted....except me. I have many, many pieces from that clean out day and love them. Whenever I use something that belonged to my husband's grandmother, he tells me what he remembers about it from his childhood. Makes for great dinner conversation.

Our salad was the perfect meal for a hot evening. We often just have a huge salad for dinner. It's a great way to use up items from the refrigerator and also eat lots of fresh vegetables. And I like to set the table nicely so when we do have the rare occasion to sit down and have dinner together, it seems a little special.

We both cleaned our plates.

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