Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lake Burton and Snakebit!

My husband and I spent a somewhat relaxing last weekend at Lake Burton. One of Lindsay's clients generously offered one of their lake houses and we took them up on it. Lake Burton is really beautiful and a complete getaway.

On the way, it had been suggested that we visit a local farmer's market called Osage Farms. I was thrilled and we went back again the next day. Everything was of exceptional quality and freshness. We loaded up on corn (delish!), heirloom tomatoes, beans, peas, watermelon, and anything else that would fit in the car.

Our dog Haven had quite a different experience at Lake Burton. She was bitten by a copperhead snake Friday night. We thought it was a beesting and treated it with Benadryl. However, the next morning, she was very swollen and was drooling and more lethargic so we luckily found a wonderful vet in Clayton. She received three injections and was sent home with pain pills and antibiotics. She's completely recovered but we certainly felt very lucky that she survived it.
Here she's showing the effects of the pain pills.

Once we had Haven taken care of, we continued to enjoy the rest of the weekend and both came home a little sunburned. What a beautiful place!

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