Friday, September 17, 2010

End Of Summer

Summer is winding down and the days are not so awfully hot. We've been enjoying many dinners on the porch. It's nice to take time from our busy days to actually sit down to dinner together and enjoy a meal. We had a southern vegetable plate recently, nothing fancy, just good food. I made homemade cornbread and cooked some of the green beans I canned over the summer. I also found one last tomato that had ripened on the one tomato plant we grew this summer.

Blooms on my gardenia bushes have made a sudden re-appearance and I've been picking them for the table and inside the the smell!

I'm getting excited about my upcoming trip to Paris. I had taken a French language course at Oglethorpe University last spring. I met with my French teacher yesterday and she gave me some good tips. I'm putting together a knitting project today that I'll take with me to work on on the plane. Maybe I'll do a little packing this weekend since I have a pretty hectic next couple of weeks just before I leave.

I've been teaching a session of cooking classes through Operation Frontline. Next Friday is our last class so I'll finish my menu planning this afternoon for that. What a great group of women and a fun class this has been. I really enjoy teaching these classes and hope to do another one soon.

I'll also be researching more vegan recipes this afternoon for an upcoming wedding shower I've been hired to do. So much fun learning new things!

Life is good!

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