Friday, November 2, 2012

How 'Bout Them Apples?

Had a great week this week! I cooked for a new client on Monday and got feedback that "everything has been wonderful!" Yay! Love to hear that clients like my food. I'll be cooking for this new family every other week, so really happy that they're happy.

On Tuesday I went to Ellijay, Georgia with my mom to get apples. Loved spending time with my mom. We had lunch at Cantaberry Restaurant in downtown Ellijay. We both had the she-crab soup and it was divine! It was cream based, so what's not to like.

Next we went to two different apple places and bought apples and fried pies at both.
So many choices of apples, all freshly picked and delicious. I made my own 1/2 peck bag by choosing different kinds. At the second stop, I bought a bag of small apples called Yates and my mom and I split the bag. They're beautiful apples, tart and juicy!
Yates Apples

On Thursday, I met with a new client and confirmed a New Year's Eve party. We planned the menu and discussed all the details, so we're good to go. Should be a fun party and love it when people think ahead!

Also  yesterday, I picked up my last CSA bag for this year. It's been great and I'll definitely do it again next year. This week's bag had carrots, collards, spinach, mixed lettuce, radishes and turnips, all beautiful. Today, office work, menu planning and recipe research, getting ready for another week much like this one!

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