Friday, February 19, 2010

Jumping The Gun?

Jumping the gun is an idiom (an expression peculiar to a language, a mode of expression) meaning "to do something too soon, to start before the starting signal". Well, I may be jumping the gun on loving the weather, but it is a warm and beautiful day outside today in Atlanta, GA. Can Spring be far away?

Walking around the yard, I noticed some others may also be jumping the gun. Are those daffodils coming up in the window boxes? I think so!
And look the grass is actually turning green! It loves the sunshine.

And look, those are gold bearded irises coming up. These were transplanted from the house in Greensboro, NC where my husband grew up.

And my favorite, look at the purple Dutch Iris coming up along the side of the house. We planted several clumps of these a couple years ago and they keep multiplying, we have dozens more every year. They'll be the same color as those purple pansies in the picture above.

Go ahead, jump the gun, get out and enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend. Pretend it's Spring already! Can Spring vegetables be far behind?

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