Thursday, August 19, 2010

Got Short Ribs?

One of the vendors at the new Chamblee Farmers Market is West Wind Farms. I bought a pack of their short ribs and wanted an interesting way to cook them. I record both Giada deLaurentiis programs on Food Network and this recipe caught my eye from a "Giada At Home" episode. The short rib dish was very tasty and was great with a green salad as the side.

The recipe was easy to execute and did not take a lot of hands-on cooking time. First, I browned the ribs, added and cooked the vegetables for the sauce and put the whole pot into the oven for about 2 hours.
I then removed the meat, pureed the vegetables, and shredded the meat from the bones (Haven got three great bones out of this!).

I then added cooked pasta and shredded parmesan and mixed it all together. It was really good and a great new recipe for using short ribs.

Here's the link to the full recipe on Food Network


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