Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Smokin' On the Egg

Last weekend the weather was beautiful so I decided to cook on my Big Green Egg. I've had my Egg for about 9 years now and it's one of my favorite tools for cooking.

Several months ago, I had bought a pork butt and put it in the freezer; I defrosted it on Saturday so it would be ready for smoking on Sunday. I brought out the Egg, started the charcoal, and when the fire was really hot, I put the pork butt on, closed the lid, and reduced the heat to begin the smoking process. I let the pork smoke for about 9 hours.

Around midday, I let the fire come up to a higher heat and grilled some shrimp that I had marinated in ginger, garlic, lemon zest, cayenne and a little olive oil. That was our dinner.

Early evening, the pork was done. It was so delicious! The flavor of smoking all day was just incredible. Did I say I love my Big Green Egg?

We'll have sandwiches all week.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone I know, well lots of people anyway, have an Egg. I have an old fashioned smoker. I haven't been able to talk myself into paying the price for an Egg. But looking at all of the beautiful food I keep seeing that comes off of it I may just have to bite the bullet!
