Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Herbs Are Ready To Grow

I've planted my new herbs for this growing season and had several from last year survive and are thriving.

From last year, the oregano is doing great...a very healthy plant. I need to figure out something great to do with this. Also from last year, the parsley and chives came back. I need to separate these and give them their own big pot so they can really grow.

I had two rosemary plants that survived in pots over the winter so I moved them into the yard for a permanent spot. Hopefully it will like the spot I chose. I've also had a bay leaf for several years and it seems to like its spot. Normally, if a recipe calls for bay leaf, you only need 2 or 3 leaves and it's great to be able to just go outside and pluck a leaf whenever you need it.

I planted a lavender plant because I love the way it smells. It's great when I'm outside near the herbs and get a slight whiff! Love it.

My new plants for this year are sage, thyme and tarragon. I'll use all these throughout the summer. I also planted two basil plants. They look so small now, but by mid-summer they'll be really big. That's good, because we really like the basil, tomato and mozzarella salad in the summer when the tomatoes are perfect.

We've decided to plant a couple of tomato plants this year also. Our front yard gets the most sun so that's where they will go, maybe in a week or so.

I love having the fresh herbs at my fingertips, knowing I can just go outside and pick what I need for a recipe. I think I've planted all I'll need for the season, they just need to grow and thrive....yay!

1 comment:

  1. I love growing herbs too, I have thyme, rosemary and parsley. I ususally grow basil, but the last couple of years it has not done well for some reason. I never thought about bay leaves. I'll have to find some to plant.
