Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ready For A Garden!

We decided last year (well, I did a lot of hinting and begging) to plant a garden this year. Last weekend, it finally was a great weekend, schedule and weather-wise, to lay it out and get the box built. We worked most of the afternoon Saturday digging the trenches where the boards would go, then finished up on Sunday replacing dirt and leveling out the space.

We had really good help...Haven is a great digger and she really got to it!

Then she had to settle back and just be the supervisor.

And we're done with that part. The next step will be to add lots of nutrient-rich soil, then wait for the proper time to plant.

We're thinking tomatoes for sure, maybe squash and cucumbers and some kind of bean. I can't wait! I just hope I do a good job with the weeding and watering...not really my strong suit.

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